What Do You Need To Do Now That You've Just Moved Into Your New Place?

Moving is a big commitment. It can be a scary time, but now that you have got moving day out of the way, you can start moving onto the next lot of things that you have got to do. That’s right, it doesn’t end just because you managed to get everything from one location to another! Now, you get to start doing everything else that your new home needs from you.

We know that some people are under the impression that you can just move in and everything is done once you’ve moved some furniture around. This is not the case at all because if you want your home to be the best that it can be, you need to be putting some more effort in. If you’re not sure what kind of thing we’re talking about here, you’re in the right place! That’s what we’re going to be discussing down below, so if we’ve caught your attention, read on.

Clean It Top To Bottom

The very first thing that we recommend you do when you move into a new place is clean it from top to bottom. It is more than likely that the previous owners have cleaned it already, but there’s nothing quite like that first clean of your space. You need to ensure that it’s clean to your standards so that you have a fresh start in a new place. Yes, it’s going to take a while to do this but it’s going to be worth every single second that you spend cleaning everything.

Make sure that you are looking in those hard to reach areas as well though because often people end up missing these out when they are doing a clean. You want to ensure that these are in good condition so that they are not just accumulating more dirt and giving you a bigger job to do down the line.

If you want to go one step further, you can even hire a professional cleaning company to come and do this for you. At least this way even if you are not the best at cleaning, you know that everything is as it should be.

Check Everything Is In Order

We then recommend that you go through the home and make sure that there are no surprises. There’s not really anything that you can do now but it’s good to know that everything is as it should be. You don’t want any surprises jumping out at you in a few months that could have been avoided if you would have done a thorough check in the beginning. Of course, if there is something that isn’t quite right, you will need to get it fixed as soon as possible to avoid further problems.

You want to ensure that you are aware of every little detail in your new place. It might seem like overkill, but you can never be too careful. For example, if you notice that there is a pipe leaking or a tap that’s leaking somewhere, you might need to get someone out to take a look as you may need a water line replacement. It may be a smaller issue, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Make It Feel Like Your Own

Now that you have gone through your home, cleaned it and checked it for everything being as it should be, you can start making it your own. In the beginning some people like to get the basics sorted and then build on it from there. For example they want to get their core pieces of furniture arranged and sorted out the way they want them, and then everything else can come after that. The rest of the decorating of the home can stem from there, now that you have a foundation to work with.

Making a new place feel like your own can be challenging, so you really need to think about what will make this space feel like it belongs to you. Is it going to be the color on the walls? Will it be having pictures of your friends and family on the walls? Do whatever you want to make this place your favorite in the world. Remember that the goal is to be comfortable in your new place, and that will only happen when it really feels like it's yours.

Get Set Up With Everything You Need

A lot of people seem to forget that when you move into a new place you are going to need to get set up with everything that you need. What we mean by this is that you need to contact the electric supplier, gas supplier, water supplier, internet supplier and so on. It’s a long task but one that has got to be done. If you’re going to be using a new supplier then you need to set up an account with them and close your old account with your old supplier. If you are going to be sticking with the same supplier then you just need to let them know that you have moved and that you want your coverage for your new place. As an existing customer this isn’t going to be difficult and shouldn’t take you too much time to get sorted.

If you do this as soon as you move into the new place then you shouldn’t have any overlapping bills from the properties. It’s a nightmare when this happens, so ensure that you get this sorted asap.

Hopefully you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you need to do now that you have just moved into your new place. This is not an exhaustive list though and there will be more things that you need to do to turn your new place into something that you love. But, you have got to get the basics done and out of the way before you can move onto the rest of it, which is exactly what we have gone through today. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that you love your new place!


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